Taurus Full Moon Oracle

The Full Moon in 19 degrees of Taurus will be on Tuesday November 12th at 5:34 am pst

The Sun will be in Scorpio the polarity of Taurus along with Mercury in it’s Retrograde opposing the moon creating real big emotions and processing opportunities to clear out!

Sensual, intense and sure to bring out desires and possibly some demands so be cautious with your words and interactions. Pause and reflect before speaking.

Alchemy, karmic lessons and insight from beyond are all on the menu this week.


Taurus represents personal resources: time, money, belongings, mental capacities.

Scorpio represents shared resources: time, money, belongings, joint communication of these things.

This Full Moon highlights the need for healthy boundaries and re-visiting the way we use our personal and shared resources.

Saturn in Capricorn will trine this Full Moon showing us where we need to take responsibility and create.

Neptune in Pisces is also sextiles the moon bringing the spiritual know how to move forward.

And most importantly think about clearing, creating and courageousness this week.

It’s a great time to schedule a chart reading or an intuitive healing session which are done over zoom and recorded so that you have it to look back on.

” Making way for something new by wearing out the old. Assigned to tough situations, yet knowing it is appropriate. Super strong, and especially tenacious and relentless. In deepest essence, sacrificing yourself so that something can happen here that is going to take a lot of doing. And inside it all, you are curiously resigned to whatever arises, not very concerned because long range results mean everything here. And a moment's or a lifetime's discomfort is a small price to pay when destiny is truly involved.”

Elias Lonsdale on the 19 degree of Taurus where the Full Moon is at….

And guys if you haven’t yet already…it’s time to order your 2020 Planetary Planner: