The Veil Thins: New Moon in Scorpio

Sunday October 27th we have a New Moon in 4 degrees of Scorpio.

As the second water sign and the third fixed sign in the zodiac Scorpio is represented by the wise shamanic grandmother. She teaches us to alchemize our pain into power. She reminds us how important it is to know how to clean our own internal waters(emotions, drives, communication, subconscious reasons for why we make certain decisions).

It's important to focus on the self-development this season, for that is where we will find the most healing and growth.

Sahmain, All Hallows Eve and Dia De Los Muertos are all celebrated as a way of giving thanks and listening in to what guidance our ancestors have to share with us.


Regeneration and Repair: Cellular upgrades at this New Moon.

The biggest boldest activation at this new moon is by Uranus in Taurus exactly opposing the Sun and the Moon in Scorpio.

Themes of Feminine Fixed Earth and Water provide foundation for creation energy and sudden manifestations.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto the Lord of the Underworld.
It is represented most commonly by a scorpion and it contains the poison in it's tail. The poison actually clears that’s why people would bring snake oil back from the East, it is scientifically proven to heal inflammation.

But our culture is still young and foolish about any wisdom that Scorpio has to share with us. It goes against popular culture to honor the wisdom of this season.

Scorpio time has a way to make even the playing field, karmas come back around and areas where you thought you were in the right may show other sides to the story.

The alchemical nature of the Scorpio New Moon paired with an opposition to the God of lightning and awakenings is a very interesting combination for surprises and activations.

Look to where 4 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus for more info..

Join us for Scorpio Magick Activation Group Workshop

Spider medicine has been stronger than normal suggesting that this New Moon is asking us to destroy the old web of stories, work and insight.

It’s time to create a new web.

With this new moon cleanse away past beliefs, stories and shadows.

People, things, events, and situations will arise, seemingly accidental out of nowhere. This is very purposeful though and allows us to re-align and once again trust in the divine timing, alignment and the power of positivity.

And we will have a chance to really look at power dynamics for what they really are.
With a square between Mars in Libra and Saturn in Capricorn at 15 degrees

A time where we can’t hid from personal and relationship shadows.
Scorpio is a fixed sign of fall, the heart of the autumn season which is all about death. It is the time where our ancestors visit and we have the opportunity to connect and give thanks for all that they have given us.

Finally this New Moon makes a beautiful trine to the North Node in Cancer highlighting our journey home to our unique medicine and wisdom.

Listen to the call of your future self and dive into the beautiful darkness.

This is where all creation takes place.

Ready to do 1:1 work with me or couples work? Now is the time.

Infinite Love,
