Cancer New Moon

🌚 in 28 degrees of Cancer β™‹οΈŽ Monday at 10:32am PST

Possibly the most powerful opportunity for re-set in all of 2020 as it closes out the eclipse portal and mercury has just gone direct in Cancer.


The cardinal water sign of ocean mama, nurturing, art and celebration.

Cancer waters help us emote and clear while nurturing ourselves.

Just like the ocean it’s power is unmatched and necessary.

The connection of the moon to our intuition and the ancients.

Cancer season reminds us of our human family and the power of connection.

The second new moon in Cancer shows us the importance of aligning with our intuition, nurturing nature and connection to the moon’s cycles.

28 degrees gets us to the mastery of Cancer where we can use our intuition to help heal ourselves and others.

If you have planets or placements here you will be feeling this call more than ever.

Pluto and Saturn opposing this New Moon means that we can no longer turn away from our own hearts and intuitions in order to thrive in a broken system.

We the people are all personally responsible for our actions and beliefs.   Free will.


CANCER 28 by Elias Lonsdale
A tremendous cave on the bank of a river.
Inwardly knowing where to go, what to do, how to do it, and where it all leads. You have a special faculty for karmic clairvoyance or sensing the individual and collective destiny-territory that must be navigated through.
Placed strategically in the molten core of world dilemma to remember how to get it right.
Driven by a force of will that is overwhelming.
You are guided to be in the right place at the right time for catching the drift of the tide we all are swimming toward.
Unconsciously and superconsciously in touch and in tune with what is happening.
Consciously, walking a tightrope between the heights and the depths, and never sure while being sure. Given an engraved destiny-invitation to participate to the utmost in collective cycles of renewal and to stay within your place of power throughout.
For you have gathered considerable awareness toward this time of decision, and this vertical attunement is a welcome ingredient--one vitally needed.

Abigail Barella