Virgo Full Moon

The Full Moon at 8 degrees of Virgo is Saturday Feb 27th at 12:17 am PST

At the end of winter as we come close to ending a much needed hibernation period, the mutuable full moon allows us to release the false notion of perfection and do our inner healing work.


The world is imperfectly perfect in every way, shape and form.

The more that we look at our own need for perfection(ie. Control) the more we will see it is our ego trying to protect us from the world around us.

This Full Moon is always very potent as We are given the opportunity to focus on our own healing so that we can assist in the collective evolution.

Uranus square Saturn at 7 degrees is very active at this full Moon bringing with it massive ahas and the need to slow down and process/heal/be present.

We are still in hibernation time.

A perfect time to join the free training this thursday.

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing Activation

This hour 125 min long workshop includes journaling prompts, visualization and energetic medicine to get into the creative flow in your life by following the feminine cycles of creation. Workbook included with purchase.

You will leave this workshop with:

-Levity and Clarity -Healing Activations on the previous blocks
-Flow Consciousness for Ease. -Access to your inner muse
-Divine Feminine Wisdom for Creating

Abigail Barella