Leo Full Moon

On January 28th we have a Full Moon in 9 degrees of Leo.

Possibly one of the most active full moons of 2021 it will close out a cycle that began August 18th 2020.

Trust that what is coming up is calling out for your attention to be able to release.

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The Moon is conjunct Hygiea and opposing the Sun and Jupiter(at the same degree in Aquarius)

Alongside a square to Mars in Taurus conjunct Black Moon Lilith and Uranus.

This forms a T- square in Astrology and to remedy this challenge we will want to lean into our Scorpio house.

The opportunity for clarity and release is possible this week yet we need to slow down in order to be with it.

The creative potential from this full moon will be felt in your Leo house so look at where that is for more insight.

Want to join me for an amazing workshop on getting in creative flow with more clarity and focus?

You are meant to be a creator not a consumer.

On Feb 12th Iā€™m hosting an online group workshop:

Abigail Barella