Cancer Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice

Cancer is the first of water sign of the zodiac, cardinal water our core emotions and extrasensory foundations, our inner mothering.

Cardinal signs start a season.  Cancer starts us into summer with the solstice on June 20th at the exact moment of the solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipses bring in lots of new information and energy.

This Solar Eclipse brings in emotional information and energy.


Cancer is the most intuitive and nurturing sign of the zodiac.  The mama of the zodiac it is the sign that is also very protective and home based.

However it doesn't necessarily mean that we will be drawn to just sit home all Cancer season, actually quite the opposite.

The crab quickly learns that home is where the heart is and that you can wander while still learning to find comfort in within the comfort of your own shell, your soul.

Cancer is ruled by the moon, it is a powerful time to visit the ocean as it is at the tides of the ocean where the moon and the water meet and can communicate their message to you for Cancer season.


Themes for the Eclipse and Cancer season are:

Boundaries, trusting our intuition, self-care and mothering ourselves are all a apart of this time frame.


Our emotions are our navigation system, learning to listen is the best gift we can give ourselves this season.

This powerful eclipse is at the critical degree in a cardinal sign is telling us:

We are both the gatekeeper and the traveler.

The baby and the mama.

The truth and the lies..within us we contain it all.

We can only go as far as we lead ourselves into a new reality.

This New Moon eclipse asks us to go farther than we thought we could possibly handle, to be born again into a whole new consciousness.

Transits that are involved:

Saturn Retrograde at 0 degrees of Aquarius making an exact aspect to this eclipse.

And Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is right ahead of this Eclipse.

And finally Mars in Pisces is very active for this new moon and the full moon eclipse.

And of course the first North Node eclipse in with the north node in Gemini