Virgo Full Super Moon: Healthy, Happy, Shiny People

The Full Moon this month is a Super Moon and if you’re paying attention to the vibes far and near this will come as no surprise.

The energy is certainly heightened.


The Full Moon in 19 degrees of Virgo leads us to our health and service to self and others.

Look to where this degree is in your birth chart.

Do you have planets or important placements there? Or if you have anything in around 19 degrees of Pisces that is important as well.

Well really any of the mutable signs, change is happening!

This Full Moon opposition is a feminine one. Highlighting the elements of both Earth and Water.

It has to do with boundaries, health, intuition and aligning with practical truth over fear/propaganda.

Virgo is afterall the sign of practical magic.

Curious how Sparkle and Shine Guidance can help you stay calm and shine brighter? ⬇ Schedule your call..

Major aspects/alignments:

-Neptune opposing the Moon and conjuncting the Sun. The mind and spirit face off in a tug of war.

-Mercury going direct in Aquarius The mind is extra busy in Aquarius and has a very group think mentality, caution is required.

-Jupiter in Capricorn trining the Moon in Virgo. Expansion and ease are two words that represent Jupiter a trine means that this full moon can bring more ease to overthinking things….just don’t. Scroll down to REM to ease your mind..

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Abigail Barella