Capricorn Season

Capricorn time ushers in a new season, winter.
Winter is the time when we are meant to rest more and hibernate.

But Capricorn is the work horse of the zodiac as a Cardinal Earth sign, which means that foundational inner work is necessary during this time to flourish throughout the year.

Winter Solstice occurs at the moment when the Sun ingresses into Capricorn.

The darkest and most fertile time of year to sow our seeds of hard work for the year to come.

Astrology for Capricorn Season and the rest of Eclipse Season, the Solstice, the Great Conjunction and Jupiter into Aquarius.

When the Sun is in Capricorn we feel disciplined, clear on what work needs to get done, and we have the authority to make it happen. It can feel heavy and a little depressing because we can see all that isn't yet done.

This is why smaller tasks or goals are the best because they are actually attainable.

This is why we start Soul-ar Power in Capricorn Season.

Abigail Barella