Gemini Lunar Eclipse

The Partial Lunar Eclipse is November 30th 2020 at 8 degrees of Gemini.

Eclipses are huge flushes of energy that come in to clear out the old and bring in the fresh energy.


Eclipses are lead by the Nodes of the Moon both North and South. Our South Node shows us about our collective past and the North Node shows us about our collective future.

Currently our North Node is in Gemini.

Leaning into the energy of clearing at this first eclipse will make space for the second more powerful eclipse on the 14th of December.

This means we are meant to lean into Gemini themes which have to do with:

-Seeing opposing sides as both having things to learn from

-Understanding there is no “other”

-Recognizing that commerce and our health should be integrated in a way that serves humanity over profiting from the suffering of humans.

- Recognizing double-speak for the BS that it is.

-Leaning into our close community for support and symbiosis.

This Lunar Eclipse in Gemini has the potential to clear out all the things that keep us from connection and integration. Look to where 8 degrees of Gemini falls in your chart.

Neptune just went direct and is actively squaring the Nodes.

Which is why we are hosting a beautiful Free Soul-ar Powered challenge starting

Tuesday December 1st:

Abigail Barella