Aquarius New Moon Oracle

The first New Moon of the decade is Friday Jan 24th at 1:41pm PST in 4 degrees of Aquarius.

An energy surge is moving in, encouraging you to swerve into somethin new.

Set your intentions, schedule a 1:1 reading because the changes are in full swing and ready for you to move into your future with confidence.


Fleetwood Mac says it best: "Lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice oh and it lights up the see your gypsy" You know what you need, now it's time to act on it.

Full freedom requires action.

Transits involved with this New Moon:

Uranus in Taurus squaring the New Moon bringing in sudden changes or awakenings to your life

Neptune conjunct Venus in Pisces means that love influences are highlighted in relationships.

Mercury conjunct the New Moon making communication and processing extra important during this time for clarity.

Free New Moon Meditation/Writing:

Abigail Barella