Gemini Full Moon

The final full moon of the decade is Wednesday.

What will be illuminated for you?

The Gemini Full Moon is on Wednesday December 11th at 9:12pm at 19 degrees of Gemini.

At this Full Moon the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Gemini. Fire and Air makes for a very busy energy about.


However there is also a grounding force with a stellium in Capricorn. We are preparing for the bigger work in January with this full moon . Check my post on the Saturn and Pluto conjunction. This is a time to see the work that needs to be done for what it really is…our duty.

The major transits at the time of this full moon are:

-A T-square with Sun, Moon and Neptune in Pisces illuminating a conflict between our personal identity and the collective. This transit is also showing what is the deepest internal truths that need to be revealed so they can be finally healed for forward movement in the new year.

-A trine between Mars in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces has us moving inward so we can bring forth outward energies in the most positive way.

- Jupiter freshly in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus creating ease into manifestations and changes.

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Abigail Barella