New Moon in Virgo

On Sunday morning September 9th we will have a New Moon in 17 degrees in Virgo at 11:02am.

Virgo is a mutable Earth sign that means it provides practical change, practical magic to shift and change our beliefs and behaviors.

The New Moon in Virgo is a perfect time to make medicines, magic and intentions for full health.  We have the opportunity to use this New Moon to propel us into fall with plans, self-care and mental acuity about what needs to shift.


This New Moon will be influenced by three other happenings:

An opposition to Neptune which may confuse and bring up boundary issues, a sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio which assists us in finally attend to our wounds.  This new moon brings the spiritual healing and asks us to find our spiritual healers.

A Grand Earth Trine with Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus which helps us ground into the changes.


A grand cross with Venus moving into Scorpio in the early morning which brings us full circle to this Scorpion expansion, squaring Uranus, the North Node in Leo and South Node/Mars in Aquarius. 

This is just everything. 

CHANGES are moving forward now.

This is a perfect time to work with me.

Our subconscious is ready to release and move us forward.  We are finally ready for the dramatic shifts that will improve our day to day lives.

This New Moon is all about foundations, structures and practical shifts.

We can no longer drag our feet on the changes that need to occur.

The Grand Cross energy is very intense at a New Moon this is all about tension and pressure to move into your creative power.

It's a perfect time to study Astrology or Intuitive Development.

Watch my you tube and subscribe to get the New Moon house by house guide.

Infinite Love,

